Major Units
Raw Material Handling Plant
Raw Material Handling Plant has base mix preparation system with on-ground bedding, blending and conveying facilities. The Unit has major installations like wagon unloading (tipplers & track hoppers), iron ore crushing and screening system, raw material storage yard, rod mills and roll crushers for flux and coke crushing, proportioning bins and elaborate conveying systems.
Coke Oven
RSP has six coke oven batteries (COBs) that produce coke as the input for blast furnaces. The coke ovens are equipped with wagon tipplers, automatic handling and conveying facilities, coal blending provisions, coke wharfage crushing together with screening and conveying systems
Sintering Plant
The 3 Sinter Plants with a combined capacity of 6.77 MTPA capacity feed sinter to the blast furnaces.
Blast furnaces
The three Blast Furnaces of RSP, with a combined capacity of 4.5 MTPA, produce hot molten metal for steel production, using iron ore, coke, sinter.
Steel Melting Shops
The two Steel Melting Shops convert the Hot Metal to Crude Steel in the 5 Basic Oxygen Furnaces Using oxygen from Tonnage Oxygen Plants and Lime & Dolomite from LDBP and inputs like scrap, Ferro alloys and flux. There are 5 Slab Casters mould the molten Steel and produce Steel Slabs.
Plate Mill
There are two Plate Mills in RSP. The 3.1 meter wide older Plate Mill has a production capacity of 299,000 tonnes per annum. The 4.3 metre wide New Plate Mill has a capacity of 0.9 MTPA. The New Plate Mill, which is one of the widest in the country has been set up to cater to the customised plate market is one of the most important components of this phase of Expansion. The Mill can produce a wide range of plates with close tolerances to meet stringent international standards and heavy and wide plates for the rising ship building and boiler sectors.
Special Plate Plant
The Special Plate Plant (SPP) has been set up to cater to the needs of the Nation’s defense and research programme. The unit is a pioneer in the field of special steel plates; with a diverse product profile that ranges from various grades of heat treated plates of high hardness and strength to dead annealed plates of high resilience and ductility. The products of this unit are being used in various high end application like the MBT Arjun tanks, Shipbuilding, anti mines vehicle, bullet proof vehicles, submarines, atomic research etc. SPP takes pride in meeting the stringent Quality control norms of defense agencies. Some of the key products of this unit include : Spade Heat Treated Plate, Spade Dead Annealed Plates, Jakal heat treated plates, jakal dead annealed plates, spade gas cut components, spade machined components, navy grade plates etc.
Hot Strip Mill
The new Hot Strip Mill-2 that was commissioned on 31st March 2022 has a capacity of 3MTPA. The state-of-the-art mill with few parallels in India is producing world-class hot rolled (HR) coils. With high level of automation, this mill would produce coils of Carbon Structural Steel, High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) steel, High Carbon Steel, LPG Cylinder Steel, Low Alloy Steel, API (up to X100) Pipe Steel and Auto-grade steel. The thickness of the coils would be between 1.2 mm to 25.4 mm, while the width would be between 725 mm to 2150 mm. The maximum coil weight will be to the tune of 35 tonnes. Equipped with the latest and sophisticated technology, the Mill will meet the stringent requirements of the customers in terms of quality, finish, dimensions and other parameters.
Silicon Steel Mills
This unit produces steel for the electrical industry through various operations carried out in sophisticated, continuous/semi-continuous processing lines and a 4-high reduction mill. Advanced process control and product testing facilities ensure product quality.
Pipe Plants
A highly sophisticated Spiral Welded (SW) Pipe Plant is equipped with submerged arc welding process and produces large diameter pipes. Hydrostatic pressure testing, ultrasonic testing and eddy current testing are some of the features which ensure quality control.
The Electric Resistance Weld (ERW) Pipe Plant caters to the smaller diameter pipe consumers. This plant has been recently upgraded to enable it to produce API grade pipes.
The 3-LPE Pipe Coating Plant produces value-added pipes by providing 3-layers of Poly Ethylene coating on ERW and SW pipes of Rourkela Pipe Plants.
Traffic & Raw Material
The Traffic & Raw Material Department deals with procurement and supply of raw materials to various user departments, internal movement of in-process and other material from one unit to another and despatch of finished products in railway wagons to outside parties or SAIL warehouses.
Environment Management
RSP is progressively adopting the state of the art steel making technologies for producing environment friendly steel. In the recently concluded 4.2 MTPA Expansion Project, RSP has successfully implemented clean technologies like Energy recovery and green power generation through Back Pressure Turbo Generator (6.4 MW) from Coke Dry Quenching facilities of Coke Oven Battery No.6, Energy recovery at top of Blast Furnace No.5 and green power generation through Top Recovery Turbo generator(14 MW), recovery of BFc gases and their use for power generation (36 MW) in Power Blowing Station, secondary emission control systems in all three convertors of SMS#2 with Dog House, Dry Fog Dust Suppression System in Raw Material Handling Plant and new air pollution control systems in vertical shaft kilns of Calcining Plant#2 etc.
Efforts are taken to minimize the pollution at their source of generation. End of pipe line treatments are provided to bring down the pollution levels below acceptable limits. Air Pollution Control technologies like Electro Static Precipitators, Bag Houses, Wet Scrubbers, Multi Cyclones, Dry Fog Dust Suppression Systems, Wet Fog Dust suppression Systems are provided to control air pollution. Dedicated Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) are provided in different departments for treating the effluent before recycling back to process leaving very little quantity as blow down to drain for further treatment at a polishing pond called Lagoon. For achieving Zero Liquid Discharge target, RSP has Modernised BOD Plant with MBR technology based on ZLD concepts, established a dedicated Sewage Treatment Plant with MBBR technology based on ZLD concepts, Augmentation of Lagoon capacity and establishing a new Treatment System for treating blow down water from plant and recycling the same back to water distribution network.
On renewable energy front, RSP has installed and commissioned 1 MW Solar Power Plant inside steel plant premises and installed Solar Water Heating Systems of 40,000 lit capacity in Ispat General Hospital of RSP. On greenery front, RSP has established a green canopy by planting more than 51 lakh trees since inception covering more than 33.22% of the total area.
RSP has established a full-fledged Environmental Engg. Department, way back in 1989, along with Environment Laboratory which is certified with IS/ISO14001. RSP has adopted 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recover & Recycle) principle for enhancing the utilization of solid wastes.
Learning & Development (L&D)
The Learning & Development Centre (L&D ) of Rourkela Steel Plant was set up in the late 1950s. It consists of a Management Development Programme wing, auditoriums, well-equipped workshops, skill upgradation shops, lecture halls for apprentices and a well-equipped library on a plethora of technical and managerial subjects. The L&D Centre has received ISO 9001:2000 QMS certification.
RSP’s Central Power Training Institute (CPTI) is a CEA-certified category-1 institute that meets the statutory training needs of power engineers of SAIL. Certified with ISO 9001:2000 QMS, CPTI conducts training largely for operation and maintenance personnel of SAIL’s captive power plants and Power Distribution Network departments
Captive Power Plant #1
Captive Power Plant#1 was established in 1959 inside the premises of Rourkela Steel Plant with a main objective to generate captive power to meet the emergency requirements of Rourkela Steel Plant as well as supply of air to Blast Furnaces. Medium Pressure Boilers were added during 1978 to meet the factory steam requirements of RSP. Boiler coal is used along with BFc gas & Mixed gas for running the Turbo Alternators and Turbo Blowers in CPP#1.
During the recently concluded Expansion Project, Power Blowing Station was added for gainful utilisation of BFc gas generated from Blast Furnace No.5. As an environment friendly measure, Top Recovery Turbo Generator was installed for generating power through gainful utilization of high pressure generated from top of the Blast Furnace. Green Power is being generated through Back Pressure Turbo Generator by gainful utilistion of latent heat generated from dry quenching operations of Coke Oven Battery No. 6.
Good quality boiler coal is sparingly used in Captive Power Plant#1. The dry fly ash generated from the boilers is being given to Fly ash users free of cost.
SN. |
Environmental Indicator |
Description |
2022 - 2023 |
2023-24 |
2024-25 upto Sept.,2024 |
Norm/Target |
1. |
Ambient air quality (Levels monitored at 6 stations) |
31.0 – 98.0 4.0 - 10.0 8.0 - 41.0 12.0 – 80.0 <0.4 |
58.0 – 89.0 7.0 - 31.5 12.5 - 49.3 20.0 – 74.0 <0.4 |
63 - 76 03 - 18 15 - 22 21 – 124.0 <0.4 |
100 80 80 400 1.0 |
2. |
Specific Dust Load on Environment |
0. 539 |
0. 536 |
0. 534 |
0.535 |
3. |
Quality of finally treated effluent discharged from Lagoon into river Brahmani |
7.26 – 7.92 14.2 – 18.6 2.0 – 2.8 10 – 12 32 – 41 |
7.50 – 7.96 13.0 – 18.8 2.0 – 3.2 08 – 11 28 – 40 |
7.23 – 7.55 15.9 – 20.4 2.0 –2.6 07 – 12 21.51 – 37.61 |
6 – 8.5 100 10 30 250 |
4. |
Total Solid Waste Utilization |
109.75 |
112.22 |
128.62 |
100 |
- RSP’s implementation status of action plan for Environment Clearance received for 2 MTPA Expansion (Half Yearly Report April – September ,2024).
- RSP’s implementation status of action plan for Environment Clearance received for 4.2 MTPA Expansion (Half Yearly Report April – September ,2024).
- RSP’s implementation status of action plan for Environment Clearance received for 3 MTPA HSM other new projects. (Half Yearly Report April – September ,2024).
- RSP’s Action Plan for complying to EC conditions issued for Caster#4 Project. (Half Yearly Report April – September ,2024)
- RSP’s implementation status of action plan for Environment Clearance received for 4.855 MTPA Expansion (Half Yearly Report April – September ,2024).
- Implementation status of action plan for EC received for Up-gradation of present Air Strip to Air port, Rourkela. (Half Yearly Report April – September ,2024).
- Implementation status of action plan for EC received for Ispat Post Graduate Institute and Super Specialty Hospital, Rourkela (Half Yearly Report April – September ,2024).
- Environment Clearance issued by MoEFCC dated 28/01/2008 for RSPs 4.2 MTPA Expansion.
- Environment Clearance issued by MoEFCC dated 15/12/2016 for RSPs Modernisation.
- Environment Clearance issued by MoEFCC dated 06/11/2019 for RSPs Caster#4 Project.
- Environment Clearance issued by MoEFCC dated 30/03/2022 for RSP’s MODEX to 4.855 MTPA Hot Metal, 4.850 MTPA Crude Steel & 4.325 MTPA Saleable Steel.
- Environment Clearance issued by SEIAA (Odisha) dated 18/10/2022 for Up-gradation of present Air Strip (Private Use) to Air Port (Code 3C) for Commercial Use Under RCS-UDAN scheme of Govt. of India (Expansion Project).
- Environmental Clearance issued by MoEFCC dated 25/02/2019 for Ispat Post Graduate Institute and Super Specialty Hospital, Rourkela.
- RSP’s Environment Statement 2023-24.
The Integrated Go-Live of the ERP system was carried out at RSP on 1st April 2012. The ERP system integrates all departments and functions across the organisation right from production and finance to dispatch.
Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) that was adopted in RSP since January 1992 today forms the core of all our business strategies. Today the entire works zone as well as Personnel, Steel Township and Finance Department have been certified to ISO 9001: 2008 QMS.
Silicon Steel Mill and Environmental Engineering Department were the first departments to be certified with ISO 14001 Environment Management System (EMS) in the year 2000. Subsequently, SP-II, HSM, PM, SWPP, ERWPP, SPP and Steel Township were certified to ISO 14001:2004 EMS. RSP’s Steel Township is the first Township of SAIL to be certified for both ISO 9001 QMS and ISO 14001 EMS.
Entire RSP has been certified to internationally acclaimed Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001: 2007).
In order to have synergy and synchronization in implementation of various management systems, concept of Integrated Management System (IMS) has been initiated in RSP. An IMS Policy covering Quality, Environment, Occupational Health & Safety and Social Accountability of RSP has been introduced. RSP is the first unit in SAIL to adopt IMS policy.
Human Resource Development (HRD)
The Human Resources Development Centre (HRDC) of Rourkela Steel Plant was set up in the late 1950s. It consists of a Management Development Programme wing, auditoriums, well-equipped workshops, skill upgradation shops, lecture halls for apprentices and a well-equipped library on a plethora of technical and managerial subjects. The HRDC has received ISO 9001:2000 QMS certification.
Central Power Training Institute (CPTI)
RSP’s Central Power Training Institute (CPTI) is a CEA-certified category-1 institute that meets the statutory training needs of power engineers of SAIL. Certified with ISO 9001:2000 QMS, CPTI conducts training largely for operation and maintenance personnel of SAIL’s captive power plants and Power Distribution Network departments
Plate Mill Plates |
2,99,000 from old Plate Mill |
HR Plates |
92,500 |
HR Coils |
3,98,000 |
ERW Pipes |
75,000 |
SW Pipes |
55,000 |
CR Sheets & Coils |
4,33,000 |
Galvanized Sheets (GP& GC) |
1,60,000 |
Silicon Steel Sheets |
73,500 |
Products | Applications |
HR Coils |
LPG cylinders, automobile, railway wagon chasis and all types of high strength needs. |
Plates |
Pressure vessels, ship building and engineering structures |
Chequered Plates |
Flooring & staircases in the industrial installations, railway platforms, etc. |
Special Plates |
Defence applications |
CR Sheets & Coils |
Steel furniture, white goods like refrigerators, washing machines, automobile bodies, railway coach panelling, drums, barrels, deep drawing and extra deep drawing, etc. |
Galvanised Sheets |
Roofing, panelling, industrial sheeting, air conditioner ducting and structural |
Silicon Steel sheets & Coils |
Small generators, stators for high efficiency rotating equipment and relays, etc. |
Spiral Weld pipes |
High pressure transportation of crude oil, natural gas and slurry transportation, water supply, sewage disposals, grain silos, civil engineering pilings, etc. |
ERW Pipes |
High pressure transportation of oil & water, sewage disposal, tube wells, etc. |
Captive Power Plant #1
Captive Power Plant#1 was established in 1959 inside the premises of Rourkela Steel Plant with a main objective to generate captive power to meet the emergency requirements of Rourkela Steel Plant as well as supply of air to Blast Furnaces. Medium Pressure Boilers were added during 1978 to meet the factory steam requirements of RSP. Boiler coal is used along with BFc gas & Mixed gas for running the Turbo Alternators and Turbo Blowers in CPP#1.
During the recently concluded Expansion Project, Power Blowing Station was added for gainful utilisation of BFc gas generated from Blast Furnace No.5. As an environment friendly measure, Top Recovery Turbo Generator was installed for generating power through gainful utilization of high pressure generated from top of the Blast Furnace. Green Power is being generated through Back Pressure Turbo Generator by gainful utilistion of latent heat generated from dry quenching operations of Coke Oven Battery No. 6.
Good quality boiler coal is sparingly used in Captive Power Plant#1. The dry fly ash generated from the boilers is being given to Fly ash users free of cost. The availability of dry Fly ash from CPP#1 is given below;
The availability of dry Fly ash from CPP#1 (in Tonnes) is given below:
Month |
Fly Ash Generation |
Bottom Ash Generation |
Total Ash Generation |
Total Ash Utilization |
Utilization |
December, |
245 Tons |
150 Tons |
395 Tons |
395 Tons |
100 % |