Functioning of IPSS

बोर्ड और संगठन

IPSS Secretariat draws its broad guidelines from an apex Committee, namely Guiding Committee on IPSS (GC). The Committee is chaired by Director (Technical) and is represented by senior management functionaries of SAIL like ED (CET), ED (MM-CMMG), ED (Safety) and some senior representatives from plants. The formulation of standard is done by Committee method on the lines of BIS.

There are three broad categories of standards viz. Consumable Stores & Equipment, Design Parameters, and Management.

The standards in these areas are formulated through a number of Standards Committees which have been created based on specializations. Members of these Committees are specialists from steel plants and consultants with vast experience in the respective area. Every member organization is represented on all the Committees.

Before finalizing every standard, the respective manufacturers are invited to interact with the Committee so that the views of the suppliers could be incorporated in the standard. This ensures better implementation of IPSS standards.

Since IPSS endeavours to cater to the needs of the steel industry, the following types of standards are formulated:

i) Subjects on which the national and international standards are not available. These are mostly based on the available knowledge of the members of the concerned technical committees of IPSS and the wealth of experience available at steel plants, design organizations and the heavy engineering organizations. IPSS Secretariat has formulated a number of standards on Steel Plants specific equipment. A number of switches, gauges, sensors, etc which are used in automation of rolling mills etc, have also been standardized.

ii) Some standards utilize the technical contents of the corresponding Indian Standards. The inadequacies in the Indian Standards (IS) from the view point of the steel plants are overcome in these standards and BIS are intimated accordingly. For example, most of the electrical machines and components procured as per Indian Standards are not able to withstand the rigours of steel plants duty due to high ambient temperature in the shops. Therefore, we have formulated IPSS standards for most of the electrical items.

iii) Technical contents of the Indian Standards (IS) have been selectively incorporated in the IPSS standards with a view to controlling proliferation of variety. Like in IPSS standard on Wire Ropes, only a limited number of sizes have been retained for steel industry out of a wide variety available in the IS. The motor frame sizes have also been included selectively from the available Indian Standards.

iv) Standardizing internal procedures of SAIL to bring uniformity and transparency in the process. The examples of these standards are available in Materials Management, Projects Management and Safety Procedures. A number of Materials Management standards have been included in the SAIL’s “Purchase & Contract Procedure”.

v) Standards contributing to direct cost reduction. In line with the needs of steel industry in general and SAIL in particular, various procedures have been standardized for repairs/reclamation of spares/consumables. Examples of these are: Reclamation of Lubricants, Reconditioning of Rolls, Reconditioning of Sinter Plant Pallets, Method of Reconditioning of Blast Furnace Bells, Reclamation of Roll Table Rollers, Reconditioning of Hot Blast Valve of Blast Furnace, etc.



A documented solution to a recurring problem formulated by pooling the knowledge and experience of all personnel connected with that problem.


a) Formulation of IPSS standards through committee method.
b) Printing and distribution of IPSS standards to all users for implementation.
c) Promotion of implementation of IPSS standards.
d) Making available On-line information of IPSS standards at the SAIL Intranet site


a) Need orientation, cost reduction and indigenization.
b) Finding optimum solution to repetitive problems by discussions.
c) Harmony with standards formulated by BIS, ISO & IEC.
d) Facilitating implementation of IPSS standards by plants/units.
e) Revision of standards with time.
f) Horizontal transfer of good practices amongst plant/units in areas like Design, Operation, Maintenance, Materials Management, Purchase and Safety.
g) Promoting quality, interchangeability and reliability.
h) Accident and loss prevention.


a) Specification (for selection an procurement) = 210 standards
b) Guidance in design = 48 standards
c) Guidance in operation = 08 standards
d) Materials/Projects Procedures = 05 standards
e) Guidance in maintenance = 27 standards
f) Guidance in safety = 11 standards
g) Selection Guidelines = 10 standards
h) Miscellaneous (Repair, Inspection, Formats, Glossary, etc) = 08 standards
Note- The above figures are indicative and not exhaustive and many standards belong to more than one category.


a) Intangible Benefits
- Ease of selection & procurement of stores and equipment
- Streamlined procedures which give professional confidence to shop floor executives and permit them to devote more time in innovative work.
b) Tangible Benefits
- Variety reduction
- longer service life of equipment


Standards afford the engineers to devote more of their time in innovative activities for the betterment of the organization. Standards are guides for:

  • Purchase of equipment and material
  • Good practices in design, operation, maintenance and materials management
  • Accident prevention
  • Elimination of the ambiguity of meanings of technical terms, etc.

In short, the IPSS standards make life easy for the personnel in SAIL. Those who participate in the standard formulation process get enrichment of knowledge.

To facilitate instant availability of standards to all our users, IPSS Secretariat is shortly putting all standards on the SAIL’s official internet website.

These standards are already available in SAIL’s intranet web link i.e

IPSS Standards

In view of the financial savings recorded and their inherent potentialities, the IPSS standards need to be implemented in full measure. Difficulties, if any, encountered in their implementation, should be brought to the notice of IPSS Secretariat. IPSS standards help better utilization of manpower and material resources. These standards are down-to-earth and practical solutions suggested by experts in their areas. By implementing them, one can get benefit from the experience of others. It helps in controlling inventory and bringing transparency in the day-to-day operations. A rupee saved is a rupee earned – this is perhaps more valid in the present context than ever before.


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