Peripheral Development

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Besides the countless intangibles that SAIL has invested in its plants, units and peripheries, concerted and organised efforts have also been made in specific areas to encourage socio-economic development. SAIL has taken effective measures in the field of environment conservation, health and medical care, education, women’s upliftment, providing potable drinking water and ancillary development. By systematically addressing a gamut of issues such as health and medical welfare, education, access to water, sanitation, power and roads, women's empowerment, generation of employment, electricity, sports, culture, etc., at each of its plants and units, SAIL has contributed immensely to the economic development of its peripheral areas.

By partnering creatively with small, local entrepreneurs, NGOs, state government and the centre, SAIL has ensured that the benefits arising out of its activities actually reach the grassroots level. Several socio-economic surveys reveal considerable benefits emanating from SAIL’s efforts. Programmes are undertaken by each plant in close coordination with the State and District administrations as well as the local Panchayats, social organisations and people's representatives. All plants/units are making special efforts to initiate new projects in the area of road connectivity, construction of bridges/culverts, access to improved water sources, etc