Norms set by the company for discharge of its function

Right to information act

The Company has well defined procedures and guidelines for smooth operations and its officers discharge their respective functions within the norms set through:

> Delegation of Powers issued to the Chairman, functional Directors and to the officers of the Company at various levels. The exercise of powers should not infringe upon different provisions of the Companies Act, Government Guidelines and any other statutory/regulatory requirement. The delegation of powers is subject to observance of Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, relevant policy, guidelines and administrative instructions of the Company.
> Policies and Guidelines issued by the Company.
> Manuals/Instructions. The Company has procedural manuals covering all important activities viz. Personnel Manual, Accounts Manual and Internal Audit Manual.
> Guidelines of Department of Public Enterprises.
> Guidelines of Chief Vigilance Commission.
> Listing requirement.
> Compliance with provisions of Statutes, etc.