The norms set by SAIL for the discharge of its functions

Right to information act

The norms set by SAIL for the discharge of its functions

The norms set in CET for preparation and delivery of technical documents and providing service to customers are as follows

Items Norms (Targets to be achieved)
Customer complaints Within 0.8% of the total reports submitted in six months period.
Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Average CSI should not be less than 7.5 on a scale of 10.0 However, ratings for individual parameters should not be less than 5.0.
Interim reply regarding acceptance / non-acceptance of assignments. Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of customer communication by the concerned section who sends the reply.
Communication regarding details of final acceptance / non-acceptance of assignment. Within 15 days from the date of receipt of final inputs from customer in Project Section by I/c Projects.
Verification of design sheets, summary sheets, design calculation, drawings, specifications 100%
Vetting and design review of reports 100%


Guiding principles of CET working:

Following guiding principles are followed for working of CET:

  • For Procedural Matters: Guidelines/Procedure described in Quality Manual & Procedure Manual of CET.
  • For Personnel Matters: Personnel Manual issued by SAIL Corporate Office.
  • For Contract Commercial Matters: Guidelines described in Purchase/Contract Procedure of SAIL.
  • For Financial Matters: Guidelines given in Accounts Manuals of SAIL.