The powers and duties of officers and employees

Right to information act

The powers & duties of officers and employees of the Company are derived mainly from the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company. The employees of the Company are appointed for carrying out the business operations of the Company, which are in line with the objectives specified in the Memorandum of Association of the Company. The powers and duties of the officers and employees of the Company are in line with the job and functional requirements.

A. Delegation of Power:

Chairman, Steel Authority of India has delegated some of his powers to the Director – in – charge , Bokaro Steel Plant. The same being confidential in nature have not been disclosed. The Director -in – charge , Bokaro Steel Plant has further sub-delegated some of his powers to the executives of Bokaro Steel Plant.

The following documents containing the powers delegated to the executives, by the Director -in- charge , Bokaro Steel Plant are annexed :-

Delegation of Power - Annexure-I House Allotment Rules - Annexure-II

B. Duties of executives and non-executives:

The executives and non-executives are posted in different departments depending upon the need and requirement of the department. They are expected to discharge the responsibilities and functions in their assigned areas, and contribute to the Section/ Department where they are posted. They are required to discharge their duties as per rules, guidelines, procedure, practices etc. prevalent in the organization. The job profile of the employees and officers are as per requirement of the Company, and changed from time to time, depending upon the exigencies of the Company.

The executives and non-executives, are required to adhere to the following rules/orders, as is applicable to them during the course of their employment :-

SAIL Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules - Annexure-III

Standing Orders. -Annexure-IV

In terms of powers delegated to it under the Articles of Association of the company, the Board of Directors has delegated certain powers to the Chairman of the company for the management of the company. The Chairman has further sub-delegated some of his powers to Functional Directors and senior executives of the company. The same are revised / modified from time to time depending upon exigencies of the work. Director, In-charge, BSL has further delegates some of the powers to executives at various levels for discharge of duties.