The Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel (RDCIS) at Ranchi is the corporate R&D unit of SAIL. Set up in 1972, the Centre has ISO: 9001 certification to its credit. It undertakes R&D projects in diverse realms of Iron & Steel Technology under the categories of Plant Performance Improvement (PPI), Product Development (PD), Scientific Investigation and Development (SID), Basic Research (BR) and Technical Services (TS).
RDCIS has around 180 dedicated and competent scientists and engineers and its laboratory is equipped with around 300 sophisticated diagnostic research equipment and 5 pilot plant facilities.
RDCIS provides customers with prompt, innovative and cost-effective R&D solutions; develop and commercialize improved processes and products; continually enhance the capability of its human resources to emerge as a centre of excellence. The major efforts are directed towards cost reduction, quality improvement and value-addition to products of SAIL plants and providing application engineering support to SAIL’s products at customers’ end. RDCIS, along with steel plants, takes initiatives to develop special steel products utilizing the modernized production facilities at steel plants.
RDCIS also offers technological services to various organizations in the form of Know-how transfer of technologies developed by RDCIS; Consultancy services; Specialized testing services; Contract research; Technology Awareness Programmes.
Technology Marketing
Some of the important technological services undertaken are :
- Know-how transfer of technologies developed by RDCIS
- Consultancy services / Contract research
- Specialised testing services
- Training
RDCIS Clientele includes
- Tiajpromexport, Russia
- MSCO, Iran
- Foolad Technic, Iran
- EISCO, Egypt
- SAIBIC, Soudi Arabia
- Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
- DRDL, Hyderabad
- IGCAR, Kalpakkam
- Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
- Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad
- Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, Trivandrum
- RDSO,Lucknow
- Southern Railway,Chennai
- CIL, Kolkata
- Indian Oil Corpn.,R&D, Faridabad
- Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd., Kolkata
- Hindustan Petroleum Corp., Mumbai
- NINL , Bhubaneshwar
- MECON Ltd., Ranchi
- BHEL-WRI, Tiruchirappalli
- RINL, Visakhapatnam
- Tata Steel Ltd., Jamshedpur
- Uttam Galva Metallics Ltd., Wardha
- Jindal Steel & Power Ltd., Raigarh
- Ispat Industries Ltd., Dolvi
- NTPC-Alstom, New Delhi
- Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA), N. Delhi.
Some of the important technological services undertaken recently are :
- Consultancy for setting up a R&D Centre for Mobarekeh Steel Co., Iran.
- Consultancy for preparation of Anhydrous Mass at EISCO, Egypt Clay Mill for BF- 3.
- Development of slab gap detection sensor for identification of slabs in steel plant applications, DIT, New Delhi
- Development of on line surface inspection system for hot rolled flat products, DIT, New Delhi
- A Study to ascertain extent of replication of energy efficient technologies in steel re-rolling mills in India forPMC, UNDP/GEF Project (Steel) with Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India.
- Data gathering and analysis of Echo-tech options in steel re-rolling sector in India for PMC, UNDP/GEF Project (Steel) with Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India.
- Residual stress measurement/ Fatigue load test of rails forRDSO, Lucknow/ Southern Railway, Chennai
- Joint development and commercialisation of rolling oils for rolling mills of steel plants forIOC-R&D, Faridabad, HPCL, Mumbai & Balmer Lawrie, Kolkata.
- Testing and Evaluation of rolling and rust preventive oils forvarious oil manufacturers.
- Development of Corrosion resistant Roof bolting system for underground mines forCoal India Ltd., Kolkata ( S & T fund - Ministry of Coal )
- Development of PLC based integrated control & monitoring system for conveyors and other equipment of under ground mines for Coal India Ltd (CIL– R&D)
- Application of high strength roof bolting in underground mines CMPDIL (Coal –S&T)
- Up–gradation of reheating furnaces for improving efficiency & reduction of GHG emissions from re–rolling mills for PCRA, New Delhi.
- Consultancy assignment for retrofitting technologies for improving energy-effociency & reducing GHG emissions of existing reheating furnaces in small & medium sector re-rolling mills, PCRA, New Delhi
- Design, development of energy efficient tunnel kiln for white ware industry for PCRA, New Delhi
- Replication of retro–fitting technologies for improving energy–efficiency and reducing GHG emission of existing re-heating furnaces in small & medium sector re–rolling mills for PCRA, New Delhi.
- Various tests / material characterisation using Gleeble 3500C System for BHEL-WRI , Tiruchirappalli;Tata Steel, Jamshedpur; IGCAR, Kalpakkam; DRDL, Hyderabad;VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram;NFC, Hydrabad;LPSC, Trivendrum; IIT Bombay,Powai;IIT, Khargpur,etc.
- Pilot Coke Oven test forRINL
- Consultancy services for Intellectual Property Rights Management at RINL, Visakhapatnam
- Effect of Chemical composition on properties and galvanisability of structural steel for TLT segment for Power Grid Corpn. of India Ltd,Gurgaon
- Thermography survey ofKalyani Steel, Pune;BPSCL,Bokaro; BESCL,Bhilai;NSPCL,Rourkela
- Consultancy services for Feasibility study on setting up of heat treatment facilities for critical mechanical components,, Khopoli
- Development of semi processed un–coated electrical steels for Uttam Galva Steel, Khopoli
- Various tests/studies using Hot Dip Process Simulation (HDPS) unit for product development of Tata Steel Ltd., Jamshedpur.
- Transfer of know-how for design configuration of modified tundish impact pads toIFGL, Kolkata;Refcom, Purulia; Refracast, Raipur, Orient Refractory Ltd.,New Delhi.
- Beneficiation of iron ore fines forFerro Green Limited,Bangalore;KMMI, Bellary; VSL Co. Bellary.
- Residual Life Assessment (RLA) through Accelerated Creep Rupture Test (ACRT) for boiler plates/tubes foNTPC–Alstom, New Delhi., IRC Engg. Services India Pvt.Ltd.Noida
- Consultancy services for Improvement in sinter plant performance for Ispat Industries Ltd. Dolvi
- Characterisation of patented steel wire/rods forUsha Martin Ltd.,Tatisilwai.
- Metallurgical investigations of samples of various Customers.
- Technology awareness programmes for various organisations either at their premises or at RDCIS, Ranchi.
RDCIS also offers its technological services in fields other than iron & steel.
- IRCON,, New Delhi
- RWF, Bangalore
- Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd., Raigarh
- NINL,Bhubaneshwar
- HEC,Ranchi
- CPCB, N. Delhi
- JSW Steel, Bellary
- Anatest & Maritime Consultants,, ,Visakhapatnam
- Llyods Steel Ltd., Wardha
- Jayaswals Neco, Raipur
- OCL, Rajgangpur
- Vardhman Steel, Ludhiana
- Sesa Industries, Goa
- IDCOL, KIW, Barbil
- Essar Steel Ltd., Surat
- MIDHANI, Hyderabad
- Jindal Strips Ltd., Hisar
- SGS India, Dhanbad/Chennai
- Sunflag, Nagpur
- J. B. Boda Surveyors Pvt. Ltd.,Visakhapatnam

Some of the on-going Collaborations:
R&D of Indian Oil, Faridabad : MOA on development of “Hot Rolling Lubrication Technology for different steel Mills”.
C-DAC, Thiruvanthapuram: Agreement on “Indigenous development of model based breakout prediction system for Continuous Caster”.
CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee: Agreement on “ Performance Evaluation of Fire Resistant Structural under Fire Condition”.
Incharge, Technology Marketing,
R & D Centre for Iron & Steel
Steel Authority of India Limited,
Ispat Bhawan, Doranda,
Ranchi - 834002,
Jharkhand, India
Phone : 91 (0651) 2411099
Fax : 91 (0651) 2411083
E-mail : neetac[at]sail[dot]
Contact Us :
Research & Development Centre for Iron and Steel (RDCIS)
Mr Ujjwal Bhaskar
GM (Comm.)&COC
Email : coc[dot]ranchi[at]sail[dot]in
Tel : 91 - 0651-2411073