Bokaro Steel Plant is certified to various management system standards - ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management system(Operations area and supporting services of Personnel, HRD, Town Services, Projects, Medical & Health Services) , ISO 14001:2015 Environment Management System, ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System, ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System, ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System and SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability standard.
A frame-work of related Procedures, Standard Operating Practices (SOPs)/ Work Instructions are in place as part of implementation of various management system standards in the organisation. Reviews of implementation of various Management system standards are held regularly.
Integrated Policy pertaining to Quality, Environment, Occupational Health & Safety and Social Accountability is aligned to meet the requirements of all the applicable management system standards and is communicated across the organization. There are separate policies for Energy Management and Information Security Management System.
- Adoption of and compliance to the internationally recognised ISO 9001: 2015 QMS, ISO 14001:2015 EMS, ISO 45001:2018 & SA 8000:2014 standards.
- Promoting Quality Improvement, Environment Protection, Occupational health and Safety and Social Accountability through identifying and addressing needs and expectations of interested parties, relevant risks and opportunities and compliance to applicable Statutory & Regulatory requirements.
- Employees' involvement and their development are anintegral part of all our improvement processes .
- Protection of environment by minimising generation of wastes in all our processes, maximizing recycling,adopting economically viable, clean & energy efficient technologies and increasing greenery. Monitoring, reporting and reviewing environmental parameters to ensure adherence to all environmental regulations & standards along with compliance of Environment Clearance Condition.
- Prevention of work-related accident, injury and ill health of employees & contractor emp loyees by identifying,assessing, prioritizing and eliminating hazards and minimising occupational health & safety risks.
- Consultation & Participation of workers and their representatives in Occupat ional Health and Safety Management System.
- Respect for human rights of employees & contractor employees and adoption of socially accountable measures to fulfil the social accountability requirements.