- RDCIS: Research & Development Centre for Iron and Steel
- SAIL: Steel Authority of India Ltd.
- QMS: Quality Management System
- R&D : Research & Development
R&D PROJECTS: Properly defined research and development schemes in respect of activities, resources, responsibilities and time schedule leading to technological innovations/ knowledge pursued by RDCIS personnel in steel plants and/ or RDCIS laboratory.
RDCIS is a corporate R&D unit of Steel Authority of India Limited. It is India's premier research organization in the field of ferrous metallurgy. The main Centre located in Ranchi, was established in 1972 and its modern laboratory Complex was inaugurated in 1986. RDCIS undertakes research projects encompassing the entire spectrum of iron and steel starting from raw materials to finished products. RDCIS is continuously engaged in improving the process parameters, development of value added product, energy conservation, improvement in product quality, up gradation of existing technologies and introduction of new technologies in the plants and units of SAIL. RDCIS also offers technological services in the form of know-how / transfer of technologies developed by it, consultancy services / contract research, specialized testing services & training. Technology Groups of RDCIS are divided in different areas. RDCIS has got its Plant Centres in all the five integrated SAIL Plants.
RDCIS, SAIL is certified under ISO 9001: 2015 – Quality Management System. RDCIS is registered with Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India as in-house R&D.
The salient features of the Mission of RDCIS entail the following:
- Conceptualize and execute innovative R&D programs.
- Develop and facilitate new and value added products.
- Enable SAIL in assimilation/stabilisation of new technologies and facilities.
- Collaborate with academia, research and industry for technological advancements.
- Provide technical services, specialized testing and knowledge dissemination for the steel industry.
Functions and Duties:-
Project Management:
The technological services extended by RDCIS to SAIL plants and units are mainly in the mode of R&D projects. The spectrum of R&D projects pursued by RDCIS, both at plants/ units as well as in- house, are categorized as follows: Plant Performance Improvement, Product Development, Basic Research, Scientific Investigation & Development, Technical Services. The projects so identified, have well defined objectives, approaches and activities to accomplish the goal. Projects are identified after joint discussion between plant and RDCIS personnel to provide solutions to identified problems. Work is carried out after project is approved by the competent authority in the SAIL plant as well as RDCIS. Monitoring and review of the projects is done at different levels and mid course corrections, if any, are also suggested. At the end of the project, the outcome of the work is well documented after concurrence from the customer who is also partner in the innovation. The implementation of the innovations is also pursued.
Human Resource Development:
RDCIS is a knowledge-based organization and therefore, human resource is its prime resource. Development of adequate and appropriate human resource is a constant endeavor in the organization. The selection of personnel aims at achieving a right mix in terms of expertise, specialization and experience.
Laboratory Facilities
Since RDCIS provides solutions in all aspects of iron and steel technology, the Centre has developed a full fledged laboratory with state-of-art equipment starting from raw material characterization to finished product evaluation. RDCIS is equipped with advanced diagnostic equipment and pilot facilities to carry out the research activities. The Centre strives to constantly modernize its facilities and infrastructure that will provide a cutting edge to its research capabilities.
Technology Dissemination
RDCIS organizes Technology Awareness Programmes to enhance the knowledge-base of SAIL engineers and technologists, especially those working on the shop floor, by sharing technological experience to enhance, analyze and solve technological problems. These programmes cover a wide range of topics dealing with different technology areas in the steel plants
Technology Marketing
RDCIS offers technological services to various organizations in the form of know-how transfer of technologies developed by RDCIS, consultancy services / contract research specialized testing services and training. This helps to establish credibility of the Centre as a knowledge centre besides generating revenue through external earnings.
RDCIS also enters into Collaborative agreements with various Institutes of National / International Repute, Govt. of India Organisation and International Organisations to upgrade its knowledge base and also to develop new technology and product.
Product Development
One of the prime focus area at RDCIS involves development of new products with special quality attributes. These products are developed through Lab. Scale studies & Simulation work followed by plant scale trials at various units of SAIL using existing facilities. Subsequently these products are promoted and commercialized through product application and marketing efforts. The thrust on product development enables the Company to achieve greater market penetration and share.
Intellectual Capital
In the current competitive market scenario, it has become important to protect the innovations resulting from R&D pursuits. This is being accomplished at RDCIS by filing patents and copyrights under Patent Act and Copyrights Act respectively. Enlargement of intellectual capital base is constantly encouraged in the Centre.
Corporate Social Responsibility
SAIL has been a pioneer in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) substantially contributing towards betterment of society around the periphery of steel plants / units. The credo of SAIL specially highlights the commitment towards society at large. A lot of work has been done by RDCIS unit of SAIL at Ranchi to improve the quality of life in and around RDCIS. RDCIS, considers it important to extend help to economically backward group/physically handicapped and mentally retarded persons and has taken various measures in the field of health and medicare, education, women and youth empowerment, installation of solar light systems in peripheral areas, organizing and providing training to youth entrepreneurs, students, etc. Various developmental programmes have been undertaken by RDCIS in and around Ranchi.
Various activities have been undertaken by RDCIS as a part of CSR programme in the following areas :
- Medical and health care
- Educational facilities
- Women and Youth empowerment (income generating scheme)
- Other developmental work
- Performance Report of RDCIS, SAIL
- Quality Manual of RDCIS, SAIL (ISO 9001)
- Procedure Manual of RDCIS,SAIL (ISO 9001)